Saturday, February 9, 2013

Social Networking: We're Only a Click Away


Do you tweet? I haven't used Twitter in either my personal or professional life, but I have learned something about it. Last year I was introduced to Twitter by a professor but the process, I suppose like anything else that's new, seemed overwhelming. From what I understand about Twitter, it provides a stream of tweets that is constantly changing and being updated as people continue to post new tweets. I've heard it's great for educators. You can "follow" someone who has great ideas and stay updated on new happenings in education. Twitter for Teachers is a good example. 

Something else I learned about Twitter was that you can become a member but not contribute to the stream of tweets right away. You can start out by "lurking" around and checking out other people's pages. Once you feel ready to start sharing your own ideas, you can begin to tweet too. 

I remember seeing an article about a kindergarten teacher using twitter with her students. Even more surprising, doctors tweeting during surgery! Check it out here. 

Anyone have any info regarding twitter? Do you use it personally or with your students? I'd love to hear about it!

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.  

1 comment:

  1. Diana, if you are on Twitter, the School of Education at University of Saint Joseph now has a Twitter account. It is @USJSoE

    As you know, I use Twitter daily. I follow educators and professional organizations. I mostly look for tweets with links to find additional information, often about ideas to use in my teaching.

    There is a wealth of information on Twitter in your teaching area. Using the search term #ell or #esl will give you an idea of the abundance of information offered.

    I often come across information related to ELL and ESL when I am using Twitter.
